by whitehorse
how could you not love this?
young girls faking orgasms while three of four dudes
stand in a half circle around her
try to keep hard
until it is thier turn to fill her
(and then eventually her mouth)
as the camera man says
"lets see that 18 year old pussy"
how can you not love this?
sitting there with the volume way down
finger on the tv\vcr buttor.
or is it the red x on top of the page?
and your family is fast asleep
but you have never been more aware
of the creaks in your house
the sound of your air conditioning.
who wouldnt love this?
at first it was interesting
she still had some clothes on
well kind of
but as she stripped
other parts of her fell off
till you were just watching her pride
getting fucked
that is of course
until she swallowed it
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