The Longest 4-6 Minutes of the Day
By Hopeless Hopeful
We are here,
and we are not.
I see you, I hear you...
I could touch you.
But I suppress that thought.
I no longer sense your
soothing presence, and
in its absence
I am empty.
Outside of your car, time moves so slowly
and this bleeding red light seems to be stuck in its place.
To mock me.
The crushing sound of silence
howls in my ears
as my mind desperately seeks
something, ANYTHING,
to ravage this barrier.
But in this state I am basic.
Conversations cheaper than small talk
report this week's weather forecast,
and then the silence kills me again.
Direct eye contact is impossible.
A genuine smile from you to me
is too much to ask for,
out of the question.
I see no change for the change,
nothing to seal a broken bond.
We have been reduced.
That is how it goes.
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