an attempt to tip the scales

losing what i love in a mess of details

Friday, March 23, 2007

Christopher Columbus writes a letter to his lover Dona Felipa knowing that he wont have any way to send it

mike swanberg

If I lost sight of my way only slightly
It was because joy had blinded me
And the sight of flying fish
like hours dashed against the sea
tomó mi respiración ausente

the rest are just words love
it feels good to hear men laughing
good to polish and to wait
and of course the stars call your name
how couldn’t they with bright tongues?
I find myself humming more often
I remember things my mother said

I picture you watching the horizon
Every morning when you wake
Your eyes bluegreen and opening
Your breath hot from a night of sleep
Your shoulders flexed from your arms
On the railing

I remember how you once said love is a dish
Best served and I,

Your servant


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