an attempt to tip the scales

losing what i love in a mess of details

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

while waiting for his death sebastian marcos smith complains


This room is too stuffy it smells like shoes
Not leather shoes a boy has been working in
And worse the television is stuck fuck
These little nurses prancing by distant as clouds

Com here little girl let me slide my snakes tongue
Oh nevermind give me a handful of pills doctor’s orders
My heart has been killing me my entire life

How about a burger and fries do you hear me out there
I press the button someone comes I press it and hold it down

My feet are cold
Where the hell are my shoes?


At 11:54 PM, Blogger localpoet said...

At first I didn't like it. Then I read it again, and I like that it jumps from nowhere to everywhere to burgers and fries to oh shit I'm dying, and keep writing like this, I think you're getting out of your own way, it will only get clearer and more alive from here.



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