Error 7, one ten oh four
by: shira
The screen is
A little blue box of reprimands
Error 7, one ten oh four
I've shut down the system wrong
Waiting, I can see the sky out the window
If it weren't so cold I'd be out there too
What keeps me from raw beauty
Is hating inconvenience
In one single day I see a million things
Hear a hundred laughs
Smell one thousand jokes
In one single night I hold with all of me
Who I want to see
At my funeral
Error seven, one ten oh four
She forgot his special day
He mistook her for a thief
They turned backs on their beliefs
Sure we all make mistakes
I've forgotten all my worst
They come back to hurt me
When I've hurt someone
Error 7, one ten oh four
Children sing for everyone
Grown ups live by the book
Every time I make a mark in any
I shudder
The biggest error I've ever made
Was shutting down wrong
I should have kicked and whispered strong
Instead of obligedly shivering
Error 7, one ten oh four
It's not too late for me
To turn it all back on
And wait for a better screen
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