Deeming whats worthy
<>by: crosswise
Tonight you brought out a side of me I didn’t know I had
I developed a problem when I was young
>One that we all have
It can’t truly be seen until the words are spoken <>
>We have never met before but I can tell what you are
The style of your clothing, the way your body moves
Tells me these things
Tells me their true <>
>She is what I am no greater no less
Gaping at me determining what I am
She thinks I’m gay from the clothes that I wear
Thinks that I’m different from the way I do my hair
When I look at her all I see are lies
Her fake tan, fake nails, fake body
>All lies
The smile on her face keeping her secrets all in
Pretending she has no problem spreading gossip about her friends <>
It may not be what one would think
A disease, an epidemic, a leak
But when it’s all together we begin to realize
>That stereotypes are hell
We don’t even give that person a try
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