an attempt to tip the scales

losing what i love in a mess of details

Friday, February 03, 2006

I'd rather be Seen than Heard.

Written by Kester Henrick

I go to sleep
and wrap myself up in poetry hoping you'll jump in bed with me.
Holding on to each others secrets.
Bound by our similarities.
But if we only talk once a month
share a song and a smile
I can go to sleep for the time being.
Even though I want to be alone, that doesn't mean I don't need you.


Take a shot to ease the pain of seeing what we had.
Take another to try and gain it all back.
A bullet in a bottle.
Self-Inflicting wounds bleeding our past mistakes onto the ground.
This won't bring us back. It's only self destruction.


Podiumed high above, a Miss-Know-it-All sash worn at a slant.
Take a bow and wave to the crowed below..
but you'd see better with a lowered nose
and you could've kept me but choose to ghost my existance.


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