an attempt to tip the scales

losing what i love in a mess of details

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

to tie it all together

by erin

I am always running down the hall
to turn up the heat
and then wait for the fan to start up
before I run back downstairs
to wait for my room to warm up.
the covers just aren't enough
for me to fall asleep

and this was one difference between us:
how I cannot fall asleep
when I am shivering,
and how his dreams shrivel up
when mixed with heat

how he leaves his window open
to tunnel under blankets

I would like to blame
the knowledge
of us sleeping in different cities,
and in different beds,
on something as innocent
and impartial as temperature, but

he was always running down the streets
alive in the city
and I thought we could overcome it
before it swallowed us up,
but it's distance, and it's a formidable thing
who can outrun it? it is a tin can phone
that would stretch for the miles between us
if we had the string.

and the attempts that were made
to tie it all together just weren't enough
for me to fall asleep

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Crutches People (Us) Hold On To

by Bru

Mallory puts on make up
every time she leaves the office to run an errand.

Val gives everyone little gifts throughout the year
because she doesn't have children of her own.

Michael kisses lots of girls because
the more kisses he gives, the more love he will receive.

Allen chews the ends of his pens because
he can't tell his wife he doesn't love her.

Ruth is the boss because she can't bear the thought
of looking less than someone else.

Chrissy writes poems because
she can't tell anybody the truth anymore.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Celebrating my birthday two months late

Amy Lipman

It had to be perfect since I, too, am lovely
And made of betrayal between two golden parties
The sun went down and he knocked on my door
Drove past lecture halls and trees
Always offered me wine but I never took it
My mind was at rest and my hands were on fire
We loved the mattress
The white sheets
The blanket
Warmth was for me
But the window was his
I’ve never asked for more than a window