"I don't know how long regret existed before human beings stuck a word on it." Jeffrey McDaniel
Erin bird
is a different word
now that I'm the one
who needs it.
I imagine how
the word would taste
on my tongue
while I say it:
"forgiveness", formerly
a sweet and sensible thing:
raw in its seeming
the only option:
to make sense
out of a betrayal,
to make excuses
for deliberate acts,
diminish the rage
into something
more practical,
and less hurtful.
the difference
between holding on to you
and holding something
against you,
between us.
weighing in my hands
which I valued more,
and then choosing you.
the difference
between my truth
and your truth.
I realize now
that asking for forgiveness
is not the same
as saying "I'm sorry."
I know that we will never
see truth
and therefore, forgiveness
in the same way.
I could never vilify you.
I hope that you are also unable
to vilify me,
but this is not asking
for forgiveness either.
I understand why you need these walls.
it makes me wonder why
I let mine fall
so easily.