by: Stargirl
She wakes up, she thinks of you
She stumbles into the bathroom, she thinks of you
She brushes her teeth, it's you she's thinking of
She trys to make breakfast, she thinks of you
Sunlight pours in through the kitchen window, a tear rolls down her face
She turns around and hopes to see you
She sits in traffic, she thinks she sees you
She hears a song on the radio that she loves, you loved
She crys because she is thinking of you
She will never be the same because of you
Are locked inside her, a part of her, until she dies
She will always think of you
No matter what she's doing you'll be there surrounding her
There's no way out
She tells a story about you
You made her laugh
You made her cry
You made her a better person
You made her confused
You made her question
You made her want to be lying there with you
She told me with tears in her eyes she just wanted to crawl in there and hold you
She told me with tears in her eyes she couldnt get close enough to you
She is putting her life back together piece by piece becuase of you
She misses you
She can't make any sense of it now, but someday she will
She will know you were in pain
She will know only you could make it stop
She will know you did it becuase you thought there was no other way out
You were only loved, but you couldn't see that through the sickness
You are at rest, but part of you will never sleep becuase part of you is with her
She saw a rainbow as we drove down the highway
She smiled with tears in her eyes and she said thats your uncle tom
Thats your uncle tom looking down on us
I know this because she told me